Friday, February 25, 2011

Haikus for yous

Since Don's taking his sweet time writing a post, I thought I'd go ahead and share some haikus I came up with last evening, while doing dishes on the dock at sunset.

Palm tree silhouttes
against Maxfield Parish skies.
Dishes are done, man!

On shit-covered docks 
seagulls stand one-leggedly.
Yogis or showoffs? 

Tall black crane on mast, 
imagine a crew of you
dancing to Thriller!

Brown seagull comes near.
Splat splat splat splat! Go his feet.
He says not a word.

My hands still smell like
freaking Thompson's water seal!
This beer is good though.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's all rainbows and f*#?ing unicorns here people


We're out of the water, up on blocks still, but we're making slow, steady headway toward being ready to take off soon after we're back in.  In the past few days our tentative departure day has evolved from the 17th, to this Tuesday, to 4 days after getting put back in the water which we initially hoped would be Monday, etc etc etc----in other words there's been a lot of "going with the flow".  But that's all you can do in this situation.  If you didn't go with it you'd end up with migraines and an ulcer before the trip even started.  As it is I'd say we're all plugging along quite nicely.

The past couple days were interspersed with wind, chilly temps and rain.  Even with all that, we've managed to want to go at each other's throats only a couple times (Don and me more than most).  Thanks in no small part to Lee's culinary efforts keeping us all going---including our first warm dinner on the boat on a seriously cold & wet night---simple hearty soup of kale, white beans, garlic, shitake mushrooms, vegetable broth, white wine vinegar.  F'ing tasty.  

So what are we doing today?
  • Andy's working on the mast when it's off - main halyard shiv, anemometer wiring, etc
  • Don's working on the wind generator wiring & charge controller
  • Leslie's henkeling the hatches & port holes for leaks
  • Lisa is dialing in the galley, food organization & meal planning
  • I'm getting up the bimini (cockpit's sun shade) & installing a new knotmeter
  • Raleigh is still adjusting to living on blocks out of the water, but has looking good nailed
What this all adds up to is that in the past couple weeks we've truly dug into the guts of this boat----we're understanding it's structure, drilling holes, messing with the electrical systems, messing up the electrical systems, stopping window leaks, emptying out all the useless crap from the previous owner (side note: technically nothing on this boat is useless crap---it's all relative---but we only have so much room and we're bringing on a lot more useless crap so we gotta make room).  And through all of this, we're making Aldebaran ours.  That's a good thing people.  You gotsta recognize.

And we all still have to do our taxes.

P.S. And because we're all actually working, we're not finding time to take photos of each other doing said things.  So here are some photos of other things we're doing.

input: Andy diggin' into the mast step

output: one totally corroded aluminum mast step---can you say replacement?

me.  don't judge, people---these are long days.  and couches can be comfy.

blue eyes under the rain tarp

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This is Only a Test

Honestly, it is. I'm testing our facebook RSS feed stream thing. Ignore me. 
How could you ignore me? I'm so cute!

How low can you go

So in the past I have been accused of being a pessimist and extremely negative in my opinions/blogs.   This has got me thinking and after much thought and debate between my many sparkling personalities I have decided to embrace my negativity and use it to express some real feelings about our little adventure.  I will not can-da-noodle anyone(yes I know this is a made up word but it seems to fit into my present mind set) and try to tell it how I see it.  Enjoy and if you don't like it then bypass these posts every 5 days.  See I even provide easy outs for people.  negativity is underrated.

So life is Cruising along up here.  Being 15 feet off the ground in a 48 foot boat that is weighing around 18 tonnes is not the most settling feeling.  However you do what you do to survive. 

Thursday was Lisa's birthday.  'Best birthday ever' I think was her opinion of the day.  There may have been a mild/severely sarcastic tone along with her response but I am not sure.  She did get a brand new wind turbine and a vegan red velvet cake so I am not sure what possible reason she could have for complaining.  She is 34 though so maybe that has something to do with it.

Carl and Don did a great job on the Wind Turbine and It has been humming along for a good 12 hours now.  Funnily enough it puts me right to sleep.  The electrical has not been hooked up yet.  This means there is a reasonable amount of power moving along the wire and out into nothingness.  I can't wait until Don and Carl start seeing who can hold on the longest and Leslie and I get some real life practise for our EMT/Medical skills.

The mood on the boat has turned decidedly nasty.  Our first real storm and it has nothing to do with the weather.  Everyone is super tired and stressed and this tends to come out like sharp bursts of lighting rather than seeping out like the water inside the boat is currently doing through our keel (yes I know water seeping out is meant to be a good thing but the thing is if it can seep out while we are up on blocks that means it can seep in when the boat goes back in the water).  We always knew personality clashes and general bitchiness would be a problem and we need to learn to deal with it.  We haven't figured that out yet but we will.  I blame Don

The mast step was taken out on Wednesday.  Don and I helped our new friend John smash/rip/pry and burn 4 big bolts and a steel plate from the keel.  It took about 3 hours and my arms hurt so much afterwards.  Hammering a copper wedge under a steel plate with 10 inches of swing room for the hammer is about a pleasant as driving for 3 hours in a seat positioned for a 4 foot 2 midget (not sure if a 4 foot 2 person qualifies as a midget but in my books they do now).  Once the step was out it was power washed and then inspected.  Upon where it was determined that the step was unrecoverable and would cost about a grand and a week to build a new one.  Don released a moment of pure fork lightening while I smiled purely based on the thought that my estimation for how long we would be on blocks was right and Don's was wrong.  Then I thought about the thousand dollars and stopped smiling, But Don's pain got the better of me and I started smiling again.

So that is about where we are at.  The boat leaks, we are oozing money like the keel is oozing water, Everyone wants to smash everyone else in the face on a regular basis, and the actual weather sucks for the first time since we have been here.

I blame Don

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Tao of Murphy

Leslie:  I don't like it when seagulls hover over my head while I type. Back off seagull!

Carl, Lisa and I are sitting in the sun at the marina's fish and chips shop, enjoying some of our favorite beers; Presidente, Anchor Steam, and Sierra Nevada, respectively, waiting for our boat to be hulled out of the water on a giant sling. I can't even see what I'm typing right now, it's so bright. I'm probably writing something completely different from what I'm intending; hopefully something completely better; written by the Tao flowing through me and whatnot. I've been reading The Way of Chuang Tzu every night before bed. I'm really happy to have finally finished the writer's note and introduction, as it was putting me promptly to sleep. But, what I did absorb says that when the Tao is flowing through you, you get all Franciscan and become one with nature and all it's little creatures, and this seems to be so. 

This morning I woke up early to walk past the nasty dredger-output-thing spewing black nastiness into the ocean (it is allegedly just stuff dredged from the bottom of the channel--which, by the way, we could hear happening all night long--but it looks like the black death to me), then past a dead bird seemingly coated in black death, and did yoga on the beach for a hour or so. It was lovely. And right now, as Lisa says, "It's a little Hitchcockian around here," regarding the swarms of birds flocking around the restaurant's garbage can. They actually fly inside of the garbage can and come back out with chunks of fried fish in their beaks. Sickening. Birds are sick. But I am Tao. So, I am sick? I really hope that the Tao in me is actually writing about last night's excitement.

Quantum leap to Latte 101, where Andy and I are now internetting. While Lisa was writing her post about the mast being pulled up, little did we know that our bilge was full of water, and filling. And no, not from the first leaking water tank. Note the "first" there, and hang on a tick. So, as we're packing up to go watch that Valentine's Day classic, Tron: Legacy, for $3 at the local cinema, Don notices water in the space where the mast used to be. "Holy Shit!" says Don. Then he opens up the engine compartment and it's like we have our own secret jacuzzi. Don again invokes the religiosity of excrement. The bilge pump is flicked on and all is well, except for the fact that we miss Tron and all other $3 movies playing at a decent hour, we don't actually have a secret jacuzzi, and what we did have was whatever it was that caused water to seep in in the first place. The common consensus is that the mast, once removed, took pressure off of some loose keel bolts, which then let in water and ruined our lovely night. Aw well. We consoled ourselves by driving around aimlessly, considered going bowling, and then just sat glumly eating our dinner in the car. 

Onward and upward, as always! It was an exciting morning of having Refridgerator Mike come tell it to us true about our refridgeratation system (in a better-than-we-expected-way), then finding a second leaky water tank, turning on all the faucets to drain out the tank before it flooded the bilge, only to find that the galley sink plumbing hadn't been put back together by "Andrew Grant Craig!" was a bit of a comedy show. One that I completely missed while doing my afore-mentioned yoga, marathon showering, and laundry. I was there, however, to experience Carl triumphantly motoring us over to the shipyard. While we (for the second time) forgot to unplug our shore power cord, Carl was a featherweight champ at getting her out of our slip and into theirs.
Speaking of Carl, let me just say that this guy is great with families. Alright, this is really just my segue from the events of today and yesterday, to give a shout-out to my family's visit this past weekend. Thanks for coming out, gang! It was a blasterootie! Don't worry about any of those things written above. We're on it! 

Finally to end this on an even more positive note, tonight is Taco Tuesday at Rubio's, where the five of us can all get full on fish tacos for under $25. Yes, more fish tacos. It's all we eat when Lisa isn't cooking for us! [Editor's note: as this was finally posted on Thursday morning, I'd like to point out that we enjoyed MORE fish tacos courtesy of Grant and Lee last night; lightly fried then baked for crunch! Mmmm.] And, we will be trying for another $3 go at Tron, before we come home to our boat-on-blocks to read some more Chuang Tzu, sleep, dream, and wake up to another productive day.

Monday, February 14, 2011

i'm exhausted from all this character building


so it has been a very busy few weeks. leslie and i got here just over 2 weeks ago and i am astonished at the amount of headway i have seen happen. our boat and crew are really coming together. today we brought the boat over to the yard to have the mast pulled. as you've read, docking a 17 ton sail boat with a funny prop walk is quite the mission. just to throw a little more pressure on, carl's mom, dad and two friends were stopping by today to see the boat for the first time. don was at the helm and was guiding the bow in beautifully... then came the call from the dock "stern first". "ok!' gulp. round we go and don brings her in, overshoots just a little but with a little pull here and a tug there the guys on the dock help us stick the landing.  so we all start doing our part to help loosen the forestay, backstay, shrouds, etc.. then the big red crane pulls up and what seems to be a hundred yard hands, with otto taking charge, start prepping our girl to have her mast removed. leslie and i are at the ready with cameras. carl's father is watching knowingly, his mom a little nervously. and away we go! harry, the crane operator, gets her up and off without a problem. for tonight, at least, the mast will stay at the yard and they will check and address the pitting and corroding, but everyone seems optimistic (well, except andy, of course). now we motor back with the entire posse and don just crushes the docking. well done captain ron!
tomorrow we put the boat up on blocks to have the keel bolts checked and the mast step cleaned and repaired.  depending on who you ask (don or andy) we may be leaving as early as sunday or the start of march. but these past 2 weeks have been amazing. stitching cushion covers, measuring the amount of water each tank holds, setting up the galley, watching the boys interact, i am learning new things everyday and loving it. as don said last night "everything we do is because we HAVE to." i think that's pretty cool, but i'm exhausted.
The biz
"the FBI is gonna pay me to learn how to surf?!"
The Grodniks
Otto and the crew
and she's off
oh dear lord
seriously, stop that
Let's hope we never see it like this again
Spaz twins

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Shapes We Make

Our world in currently being defined by excess and control issues. We are slowly figuring out our choreography, but this is a big production and we are struggling with anything involving more than three of us. I have been impressed so far with how well we have done adapting to the emotional tinderbox that is 5 independent adults living in close quarters and relinquishing a lot of control over daily events to the group.
Now take all of that abstract stuff and pretty much apply it straight to the boat. Shit everywhere and we are slowly figuring out where it will all go, but we are better off than we expected.
As I have said before on this blog, somehow projects manage to get done despite our best efforts to the contrary. Our new toilet is in and working. The electrical system is advancing nicely. We now have running water and a drain that actually takes the waste water off of the boat (rather than to the galley floor). Our running rigging is very close to being completely replaced and whipped. The radio has been powered and is working (but not quite functional yet).
Having said that as I sit here typing there are things I am remembering that we haven't even talked about yet. We haven't addressed our lazy-jacks yet, the refrigeration has been looked at but isn't working yet, and who knows what we haven't thought of yet.
The big event this week is the start of our final big project, the mast being puled. The whole rig will be coming down and get checked. The mast will most likely get a new step and definitely a new deck boot. In preparation for this we removed both booms and lubed the turnbuckles on all the stays. Andy had quite the adventure disconnecting all the electrical from the base of the mast (there are a lot of lights/sensors/antenna up there). As with most projects, it started with a commitment to care and patience and ended with the battle cry "we are going to replace that part anyway".
All in all, things are freakin great and while there is always tension over something, we always figure it out. Most importantly, despite what Andy will tell you, we are doing pretty damn well on our schedule and we are most assuredly not screwed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is this heaven? No it's Iowa---er, Ventura


Helloooo from So Cal!  Ok, ok----so nearly all of the posts already have been from So Cal, but cut me some slack people, it's taken an effort to get down here from Seattle.  And all I can say is so far it's been everything I've imagined and more---beautiful sunsets, er, snaking clogged shit out of waste pipes, tasty rum runners, er, sanding deep lockers to prep them to be re-fiberglassed, and cooking shrimps on the barbie, er, eating Clif Mojo bars just to keep our blood sugars high enough to keep functioning between meals.  That said, it's still heaven---working on the plumbing, galley organizing, music compiling, dog acclimating, audio system design, etc, all seem to be pulling us together closer as a crew, and I'm loving it in general.

Point in case: Two days ago we took the boat out of the slip to test run the engine after the top engine rebuild.  The original intent of this particular mission was completed successfully---the diesel engine rumbled and ran just as it was supposed to---as for our landing back into the slip, well, let's just say that didn't go quite according to plan.

My ideal landing characteristics:

  • Boat under power
  • Bow goes forward into boat slip
  • Smoothly glides into slip, with clean tie off
Our actual landing characteristics:
  • Engine running, but boat in neutral
  • Wind blew us past the slip so we couldn't pull in on our first pass
  • Fended off other boats/docks with boat hook while we floated perpendicular to the way boats should move in the channel
  • Andy and I jumped off the boat two slips down with the stern lines and pulled our 17-ton boat into the slip
  • Boat went in stern first
  • Smoothly glides into slip, with clean tie off (one outta three ain't too shabby)

And we all came out smiling.  Well---smiling and full of adrenaline---but smiling nonetheless.  What was the point of this post again?  Oh yeah, just to tell another tale of what's happening.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

and the road goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on...........


we are referred to as "the computer people"
So our updates have started to get a little random since the arrival of the ladies and Carl.  Don and I had developed a very efficient and effective routine that covered everything we needed to do and have access to for the day.  Then the other three came along and it seems like all Don and I are doing are covering for mistakes they have made.  However, that still means three people are getting work done instead of two which I guess is better.  5 people getting work done would be even better though.

the Craigs looking sharp
Henkel talking through the tecate
I should be done today
The last couple of days it really seems like these lists just never get smaller.  We are still starting projects only to find they release more projects rather than just being done.  Don spent the week with the mechanic rebuilding the engine.  He has developed quite the tradesman's attitude.  By this I mean he has a dramatic sigh and deep thinking face when asked anything about what he is doing followed by some quick, hard to understand statement that is filled with part names we have no idea about.  All this is then finished by an ETF (estimated time finished) which has steadily gotten further and further from the truth as the week goes by.  Based on yesterdays estimate it is now appropriate to multiply Don's estimate of how much time he needs by 3.

"Let's go!"
Carl has jumped into the fray with an enthusiasm unrivaled by anyone.  He has managed to keep this for the whole week and we all hope this never leaves.  Carl has fallen straight back into his role of disagreeing with Don on absolutely everything.  This is a major factor leading to my earlier comment about Don's productivity going down.  He does do this with such vigor that it is hard to knock him for his distractions.  His projects this week have included bagging dog food for a day to keep any bugs out.  He replaced the binnacle compass, he hung extinguishers and finished the week off with two days of toilet maintenance and replacement (there will be pictures and video of this).  He seems to like this last job and handled the smells with only a couple of screams that would rival any 10 year old girl.

indoor plumbing is pending
Leslie has been charging around the boat organising shit.  I am really not sure what shit she has been organising but she sure looks like she has been doing a lot and she does it in such a classy way that you don't really ever question what she is doing.  Except evidently when you are writing a  blog about what Leslie has been doing this week.  When asked, her response is a resounding "weeding out what doesn't belong and practicing my Spanish"  sounds good to me.  Plus she cleaned a lot, people that means a lot.

working hard
Lisa has been charging around cleaning stuff.  Taking apart and cleaning the kitchen and then putting it back together.  Pulling out as many recipes from her cook books as she can before we get rid of them.  More cleaning and a little cooking.  All of that took about 35 minutes and the rest of her week has been spent establishing herself as the pack leader when Carl is not around.  This has meant that Raleigh gives 60% of his attention to Carl and 39% of his attention to Lisa.  I get about 0.25% of this attention and most of this is Raleigh rolling his eyes at me because he has to share Lisa's attention with me.  Dogs in my opinion are overrated and should not be allowed in bedrooms.

he freaking loves to lay in walkways
Raleigh has been adapting well.  He has taken the crew into his pack quickly and is a very good dog.  He consistently makes very supportive whining sounds when we leave and come back.  I take this as him saying "go have fun guys, don't worry about me I am just a dog and have had way to much attention today from Lisa anyways".  Raleigh hasn't fallen off the boat yet or shat or peed on any part of the boat.  This has been a good week for Raleigh.

"the flash"
As for me.  You can basically just take everything everyone has done that is mentioned above and fit me in there.  I have been like the flash this week.  In every place all the time.  It's just what I do.  What can I say I am perfect.  Enjoy the week and the pictures.
"in the shit"
Hey look, it's Glenn!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"You're doing great!"

Lisa’s version of Weds-Friday:
Sunny and Whiter in love.
greetings from the road. leslie & i have made it to colorado. it has been a rough trip so far, but we can only feel so sorry for ourselves considering where we are off to. it has been a struggle to keep our eye on the prize, considering our vision has been hindered by the pile of crap that seems to be too valuable to let go of, and of course don't forget the snow. our little minivan is packed to the gills. i am quite sure the extra weight made getting through all that snow a lot easier. yesterday we had a few heart stopping moments- like when the 16 wheeler off our starboard bow started fish tailing- mini van came through like a champ! or when we passed a ford taurus with half the car torn away because another tractor trailer RIPPED it off.

A glass of wine at Applebee's makes it all ok!
on wednesday night, we were on hour 12 of driving and were almost finished for the day. i see the lights in my side view mirror (rearview mirror is 100% obstructed). i pull over going shit shit shit. this is at least the 4th time i've been pulled over for speeding, and i know there is no way i will be so lucky as to once again be given a warning. he takes my license info, and of course the rental agreement is buried. i can't find it. the fact that i don't have it on hand is funny on a whole other level. he walks away, and all i can think is "andy's going to kill me". so the handsome kind officer comes back with a little slip in his hand, and i'm thinking "ok, my luck ran out. it was a good run". he tells us to drive safe and disappears in to the night. i look at the paper, it's a warning!  we instantly call andy, because i know he is going to be livid. he never gets warnings, just tickets. hehe

Not Red Lobster. Still Applebee's!
then there are the stellar meals one gets on the road. i always look forward to my red lobster dinner on this drive. there is no rhyme or reason to why i love red lobster in the mid west, the enthusiasm is just there. i have learned just to accept it. i have forced this joy on to any one foolish enough to do this drive with me.

i have done this drive more times than i can count. if you have ever driven along the 80 through kearney, nebraska you know there is a pioneer archway monument. i have never stopped because i'm always trying to get the hell out of nebraska as fast as possible, but this trip i was finally going to stop and check it out.

Dejected in Frontierland.
we hit the road from grand island, ne this morning, getting ourselves in the car and on the road by 8:30, subway breakfast in the belly, first rancid cup of coffee ranted about and discarded. we made it to kearney by 9:30 am and i was ready to see my beloved arch, stop take some photos and go inside.... we pull up and...SON OF A BITCH! it doesn't open until 10am. well we have many miles ahead of us and we've already lost a day to poor planning, so once again no pioneer archway museum for me.

Westward ho!
so now we are in eastern colorado, we have traded the snow for warm sun and the stench of cow poop. we have less than 200 miles to breckenridge and boy am i ready to unpack this car. we have a lot to do in summit county. target, outlets, unpack minivan. now the boys kinda left us with a lot to deal with in new york and as penance have booked us massages for saturday morning, then on to vegas for a night. we will be reunited with the men folk on sunday and i am looking forward to us all being together on the 1st.  road weary ladies, signing off

Leslie’s version of Friday-Sunday:
Friday’s goal of hitting the road by 8:30 was made with minutes to spare! After grabbing the Comfort’s complimentary bear claw (meh), Quaker oatmeal bar (bleh!), and a piping hot cup of joe (mixed with hot cocoa to make it semi-palatable—only I did this, as Lisa wanted to order a “good” cup of coffee), we sped over to nearby Subway for egg sandwiches. Did you know that at Subway, they offer “yellow eggs” or “white eggs”? Lisa had a rough time ordering a “yellow egg” sandwich with peppers and tomatoes, but she somehow got through this blasphemous anti-culinary utterance. I on the other hand, had no problem ordering a white egg sandwich just like Lisa’s, only without cheese and toss some onions on that. Not really the same at all. I evidently confused the lady, because my sandwich arrived in my lap with only onions on the white egg. Not impressed! And no ketchup! No condiments of any kind in the bag. Meanwhile, Lisa’s “good” coffee turned out to be terrible, prompting her to dump it for a delicious gas station coffee. Again, she tossed this out after a few sips. For the next hour or so, it was as if we’d been caravanning across the desert for days without water. Lisa would see shimmering mirages of Starbucks just off the highway, and tear off onto an exit muttering, “There’s got to be one here…there’s just got to be!”

Alas, she finally resigned herself to the idea that Nebraska, or as she calls it, The Swamp of Sorrows, did not have any Starbucks at all, and decided that a place called “Donuts Delight” would be her only hope. And it was. She declared the coffee swallowable, and we split an apple fritter. Delicious, until I started to notice the grease slick forming on the roof of my mouth that wouldn’t go away until lunch, which was a fish taco at the Green Burrito. Gotta love road trip food!

8 hours later in Colorado, after schlepping our storage stuff up a snowy driveway and into the shed at Don, Lisa and Andy’s house, we feasted like starving beasts at a sushi joint (I made several lunges at sushi platters that didn’t belong to us while we waited), and Lisa caught up with former coworkers and friends. Even though we didn’t have time to hit the pow pow, it was a fun, quick visit and a huge relief to slough off a lot of our burden.

Little House on the Moon.
Oh. My. God. The massages! So awesome. If you are ever in Frisco, CO, go the Body Works. Moving right along, the further west you go in Colorado, the more it looks like how you expect it to look. Rocky. Tall. Snowy river. A place John Wayne would hang out. Squinting on his horse. That, by the way, was a 7-7-5 haiku. Appreciate. P.S., Utah looks just like the moon. Until it starts looking like crazy canyon land, and then looks like the moon again, or maybe Land of the Monkey People, and then it gets kind of hilly and boring and the sun goes down and then you can’t see anything. Not a haiku. That was just a prose poem.

Lisa jumps for joy...I miss the shot.
Utah power stance.
Vegas is tonight’s destination. Viva Las Vegas, but apparently no viva las late-night dinner buffets. We can’t find one online that goes past 10:30pm. What the hell? Is this Vegas or Nebraska?! Fortunately Lisa remembered that we gain an hour in Nevada, so we have a fighting chance of barging into the Bellagio and eating all the crab legs! Yay!
Wasting away again in Margaritaville.

Nope. Didn’t make it the dinner buffer by about 5 minutes. I dragged my bags dejectedly to the room, as we tried to figure out how to feed ourselves. We ended up hoodwinked by Circus Circus’ buffet “til 11pm” (nope, closed at 10) and had to accept defeat in the form of a $10 pitcher of weak margaritas and so-so fish tacos. The walk back to the Luxor was brilliant though. Lisa and I played a $1 on a quarter machine and lost, but I made up for it the next day, winning $18 dollars which contributed to the entrance fee to The Ghost Town of Calico, and lunch at the cowboy cafĂ©! Oh and PS, we got our buffet in at breakfast. Hooray!

Long story shortened by one paragraph, we made it to the boys last night, had better fish tacos/burritos, and today the hard work begins for the 4 of us. Carl and Raleigh will be here tonight or tomorrow, and life will get interesting! Till next time!

Brooklyn in Vegas.

Pirates in Vegas. Run!
Queen of Ceasar's Palace.

Ghost Town of Calico!!!