Saturday, November 27, 2010

A bit of entertainment while you're waiting...

Writing posts together takes a long time! Don and Carl argue about floating paragraphs and indents vs. none; Raleigh keeps gambling away his opposable thumb surgery money at the track; every time I edit something, the formatting gets whacked out and Don has to fix it; Lisa lives in a pizza oven, Andy in an espresso machine, and the internet service in both is spotty, to say the least!

In conclusion, Floating paragraphs win, and until we can get our act together, we'd like you to devote an hour or so of your day to watching this fun and educational doc. This crew makes us (who like to fancy ourselves a motley crew of miscreants) look like yachting aristocracy. We may as well buy ourselves matching monogrammed blazers now! Seriously though, the crew of Pestilence is a shining example of what sailing should be all about. Good laughs, ingenuity, and learning a whole lot about yourself in the process. And they've even made me reconsider my anti "direct-deposit" stance. Haha. Stance. Unintended puns are the best. Click on the pic to read their story and watch the documentary.


  1. Floating paragraphs seriously beat out indents. I'm very happy with this transition.

  2. All of you are examples of LIVING


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