Thursday, February 3, 2011

All Hands On Deck

ship of fools


  1. You don't know me. Well, Carl and Raleigh do! I've been following your blog and even though I only know 1/3 of the team, I was totally excited to see this photo. Freakin' exciting! Have an amazing trip! -Kate B in Seattle (PS Carl, we leave for the Rendezvous Huts tomorrow morning and we'll all be missing you!)

  2. Ahh!! It's so soon!!!! So excited for you all :) :) :)

  3. Yeah....your not so valuables are safe floating in my garage. It's all going back to Aunt Liz after the expiration date of 2/1/2012. She will not be happy to see that stuff again.


Let's hear some chatter out there