Friday, February 11, 2011

The Shapes We Make

Our world in currently being defined by excess and control issues. We are slowly figuring out our choreography, but this is a big production and we are struggling with anything involving more than three of us. I have been impressed so far with how well we have done adapting to the emotional tinderbox that is 5 independent adults living in close quarters and relinquishing a lot of control over daily events to the group.
Now take all of that abstract stuff and pretty much apply it straight to the boat. Shit everywhere and we are slowly figuring out where it will all go, but we are better off than we expected.
As I have said before on this blog, somehow projects manage to get done despite our best efforts to the contrary. Our new toilet is in and working. The electrical system is advancing nicely. We now have running water and a drain that actually takes the waste water off of the boat (rather than to the galley floor). Our running rigging is very close to being completely replaced and whipped. The radio has been powered and is working (but not quite functional yet).
Having said that as I sit here typing there are things I am remembering that we haven't even talked about yet. We haven't addressed our lazy-jacks yet, the refrigeration has been looked at but isn't working yet, and who knows what we haven't thought of yet.
The big event this week is the start of our final big project, the mast being puled. The whole rig will be coming down and get checked. The mast will most likely get a new step and definitely a new deck boot. In preparation for this we removed both booms and lubed the turnbuckles on all the stays. Andy had quite the adventure disconnecting all the electrical from the base of the mast (there are a lot of lights/sensors/antenna up there). As with most projects, it started with a commitment to care and patience and ended with the battle cry "we are going to replace that part anyway".
All in all, things are freakin great and while there is always tension over something, we always figure it out. Most importantly, despite what Andy will tell you, we are doing pretty damn well on our schedule and we are most assuredly not screwed.

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