Monday, January 17, 2011

Andy is an asshole

     So we are sitting at our usual bagel/wifi spot, being as productive or more so than we have ever been, and Andy just starts getting antsy encouraging for no reason. Telling Asking me to get off the phone keep up the good work, type the blog enjoy my breakfast, finish the ordering we are doing stay hydrated, and to stop waisting time in general generally relax and enjoy myself. He is a prick gem.
     Anyway, I am actually feeling somewhat better today and food it not seeming so evil. Thanks for asking.
    We are struggling a bit this morning as it is becoming pretty obvious that this is going to be a big money week. Just this morning we ordered the stove, anchor, propane system, and anchor locker liner. (Andy just told me to get back to typing and we can talk in the car let me know he would wait in the car but I should take my time) Later this week we are going to be ordering the remaining lines for the running rigging, solar panels, wind/water generator, a new battery system, and I'm sure something I'm forgetting. Oh and at noon today we meet with the mechanic about doing a top end rebuild on our engine. Yeah, the budget is spent. Oh yeah the nav station was what I was forgetting. So add some thing in there. Oh god we are screwed. I wonder how much of this stuff we will realize we don't need once we are going? Ah, can't think like that.
    Well Andy's about to blow a fuse burst into song if we don't get moving (he just said "how's that blog going?" in the shittiest loveliest tone possible, then followed that with "I'm gonna go extend the parking meter for a week , be right back!!", rare form). So that's it. Today is all about consuming, whether it's me finally eating something or us just buying way too much to be comfortable.


  1. Oh man. Just wait til you're stuck on the boat together. Rebuild? For reals? Lame.

  2. OMG you two or two funny! Like a married couple, lol. Go stay at Grant and Lee's for a night and get away from the boat. Sound's like pre leaving jitters, lololololo
    luv ya both, aunt liz ok this isn't posting what am i doing wrongggggggg

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok, this brings a new meaning to the term the 'Odd Couple'... ahaha! Keep up the good work guys, you REALLY are doing great, in spite of how it appears! lol! Btw Liz, the offer was definitely extended and still stands, but we understand their situation with time constraints and admire Donny and Andy's commitment and tenacity!


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