Saturday, January 15, 2011

One is the loneliest number

Since Don mentioned me (Carl) in the last post, I figured it's about time I spouted off from my currently rain soaked region, the beloved Pacific Northwest.  Up until recently I've been relatively calm & organized about getting everything in order to take off for So Cal on the 30th.  Up until recently, that is.  Last night at a friend's birthday soiree I was asked, as we've all become accustomed to lately, so are you ready to take off?!  I usually respond with a quick "I'm gettin there!", but this time I actually paused before answering---and when I took a minute to think on it, I instantaneously got panicked with all the logistics left on my to-do list.  Raleigh's importation paperwork, selling the car, packing everything up---not to mention the inconsequential task of finally finishing the solar & wind/water power generation system for the boat and getting the equipment TO the boat ASAP.  And of course there's always the extra details not on the list that end up taking the most time.  Before I know it I've sent the panic text out to my fellow crewmates.  Fast forward to this morning.

Great phone call with Lisa & Leslie (after what seems like ages since our last official boat meeting).  I'm done panicking and back to getting shit done.  So what if the guys are on the boat together and the girls are in Brooklyn together---who really needs moral support anyway?! (I'm raising my hand, but you can't see that)

Evidently this started off as a self-pity post, but now has turned itself completely around into a self-help post.  Love that thar cathartic blogging.

1 comment:

Let's hear some chatter out there